Contact Apostle John Denson at (910) 874-0723 today. Deliverance; 1 the act of delivering someone or something from one place to another.
2 to rescue or to set free
A satanic stronghold is any area of your life where Satan has control over. This could be an area of your life where you have opened doors and the demons came in with legal rights. This would include pornography, fornication, adultery, stealing, covenanters, prideful, homosexuality, lying, witchcraft, murder and any other doors that you have opened.
This can also be a door that opened by someone else like a rape, and you are still caring around the bitterness. It can even be from jealousy or rejection just to name a few open doors.
A stronghold is something that has a strong hold over you or something that holds you strongly, rather it be good or bad.
You have no control over these sinful desires and wrong ways of thinking. They dominate you and you can’t seem to stop carrying out these actions! An example would be like looking at pornography.
If we disobey God and continue to walk in sin Satan interprets this as an open invitation to continue his pattern of destruction in our lives and he will have control our mind and body. He came in with legal rights.
2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of this world), but mighty (superior in power and strength) through God to the pulling down (demolishing, and destroying) of strong holds;
5 Casting down imaginations (mental images or concepts not actually present), and every high thing (idols) that exalteth (to raise in rank or to praise) itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity (held under control) every thought to the obedience (submissive to the restraint or command of authority) of Christ;
(we must tear down these the strongholds)
Our enemy is spiritual and the weapons we use can’t be carnal (of this world). Joining a knife and gun club want help you win this battle.
The process of deliverance often consists of three main parts:
Tearing down strongholds
Removing legal rights
Casting out the remaining demons
There is no peace treaty with the enemy of our soul. We can't co-exist with demons and walk in the light of Jesus Christ.